Law and Ethics Webinar

In accordance with California Code of Regulations section 1732.5(b),at least two of the 30 CE hours required for a pharmacist’s license renewal must be completed by participation in the mandatory Board-issued law webinar and the mandatory Board-issued ethics webinar. This law became operative on July 1, 2019. Viewing both webinars will satisfy the two-hour law and ethics CE requirement. You may view these webinars on the Board’s website at any time; no registration is required. The Board’s law and ethics webinars are required for pharmacists only. No other licensees are required to complete – nor awarded CE credit by the Board for completing – the law and ethics webinars.

Note: The California State Board of Pharmacy is not an approved ACPE provider. The mandatory Board-issued law webinar and the mandatory Board-issued ethics webinar are required for your California pharmacist license renewal, but will not be submitted to the NABP and will not appear on your CPE monitor. For this reason, pharmacists are required to retain their law & ethics CE completion certificates for four years.

Webinar Instructions

  1. Click the arrow on the cover page to launch the webinar. Enter your first name, last name and email address when requested. Click Submit and Continue to begin the course.
  2. At the end of the course, you will be instructed to generate a certificate of completion:
    • Click the Certificate button and enter the information requested on the document. You may print a hard copy or keep the certificate on your computer. 
    • DO NOT MAIL THE CERTIFICATE TO THE BOARD OF PHARMACY. The Board of Pharmacy will receive an electronic notification that you have completed the course. However, you are required to keep the certificate for four years in case you are asked to provided evidence of completion.
    • Law Webinar - The Board aims to update the mandatory Board-issued law webinar annually. This course must be completed prior to the submission of each license renewal (every two years).
    • Ethics Webinar - The mandatory Board-issued ethics webinar, dated 2019, is the only version of the webinar. This course is not updated annually and is meant to be a refresher course. This course must be completed prior to the submission of each license renewal (every two years). Note: Approximately five seconds after the webinar begins, you will be prompted to “Take Quiz Now”. Please click “Take Quiz Now”. You will be asked to enter your license number and the webinar will continue.