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California State Board of Pharmacy

Wholesaler/Nonresident Wholesaler License

A Wholesaler License is required before any firm or organization may distribute, broker or transact the sale or return of dangerous drugs or dangerous devices in California. Wholesalers sell and distribute dangerous drugs and dangerous devices (also called "legend" items or prescription-required drugs and devices) to other business entities who are authorized by law to purchase the items or to licensed health care providers who are authorized by law to possess the dangerous drugs and dangerous devices. Wholesalers are not authorized to sell or distribute these items directly to patients unless the wholesaler is delivering dialysis drugs and devices to home dialysis patients in case(s) or full shelf package lots (see section 4054 of the California Business & Professions Code).

A Wholesaler License is also required of customs brokers who sell for resale or negotiate for distribution any dangerous drug or device included in section 4022 of the Business and Professions Code. A wholesaler permit is also required for reverse distributors who arrange for the destruction of outdated or damaged dangerous drugs or devices.

The designated representative-in-charge must file a separate application with the board if he or she is not already licensed in California as a pharmacist or designated representative. The application form is available by selecting the following link Designated Representative Application.

Wholesaler/Nonresident Wholesaler Requirements


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