Accusations Filed Cases Pending for February 2015

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Facility Licenses

Personal Licenses

Conover, Rachel, TCH 105279, Administrative Case AC 5322
Campbell, CA
Accusation filed 2/26/2015; case pending.

Dahl, Jodie, TCH 51991, Administrative Case AC 5318
Escondido, CA
Accusation filed 2/23/2015; case pending.

Garcia, Edwin, TCH 43036, Administrative Case AC 4732
Canoga Park, CA
Accusation filed 2/3/2015; case pending.

Harwood, Megan, RPH 60791, Administrative Case AC 5403
Los Angeles, CA
Accusation and Petition to Revoke Probation filed 2/18/2015; case pending.

Hernandez, Orlando, RPH 37523, Administrative Case AC 5238
Pasadena, CA
Accusation filed 2/26/2015; case pending.

Lease-Shaw, Kristin, RPH 52971, Administrative Case AC 5379
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Accusation filed 2/25/2015; case pending.

Martinez, Mark, TCH 29329, Administrative Case AC 5228
Victorville, CA
Accusation filed 2/25/2015; case pending.

Mashayekhi, Ali, RPH 46926, Administrative Case AC 5223
Tarzana, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Matthews, Hilda, EXC 18366, Administrative Case AC 4866
Chino Hills, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Matthhewson, Raymond, TCH 63276 Administrative Case AC 5313
La Mesta, CA
Accusation filed 2/23/2015; case pending.

Oloa, Stephanie, TCH 30487, Administrative Case AC 5236
San Lorenzo, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Perez, Andrew, Applicant, Statement of Issues Case SI 5284
Whittier, CA
Statement of Issues filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Peters, Harry, RPH 28331, Administrative Case AC 5106
Los Angeles, CA
Accusation filed 2/2/2015; case pending.

Rodriguez, Enrique, TCH 72559, Administrative Case AC 5297
San Lorenzo, CA
Accusation filed 2/23/2015; case pending.

Sameniego, Nevinn, TCH 106433, Administrative Case AC 5214
Bellflower, CA
Accusation filed 2/23/2015; case pending.

Santos, Nathasja, TCH 64134, Administrative Case AC 4989
Pasadena, CA
Accusation filed 2/18/2015; case pending.

Shafer, John, RPH 36106, Administrative Case AC 4998
Chatsworth, CA
Accusation filed 2/2/2015; case pending.

Sulic Saadeh,  Tina Marie, RPH 41234, Administrative Case AC 5055
Irvine, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Szalay, Matthew, Applicant, Statement of Issues Case SI 5288
Clovis, CA
Statement of Issues filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Yaprak, Songul, TCH 76657, Administrative Case AC 5223
Tarzana, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Facility Licenses

Care Plus Pharmacy, Inc., PHY 48385, Administrative Case AC 5223
Tarzana, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Fairmont, LSC 99057, Administrative Case AC 5238
Pasadena, CA
Accusation filed 2/26/2015; case pending.

Green’s Pharmaceuticals, WLS 4481, Administrative Case AC 4866
Long Beach, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.

Kerr’s Pharmacy, PHY 35423, Administrative Case AC 5106
Los Angeles, CA
Accusation filed 2/2/2015; case pending.

Los Angeles County Harbor UCLA Medical Center Pharmacy, HPE 4775, Administrative Case AC 5199
Torrance, CA
Accusation filed 2/2/2015; case pending.

Park Compounding, PHY 41748 and LSC 99026, Administrative Case AC 5055
Irvine, CA
Accusation filed 2/10/2015; case pending.


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