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California State Board of Pharmacy

Restoration of Retired or Canceled Pharmacist License – Related to Retired Licensees [BPC section 4200.5(d)]; Related to Canceled Pharmacist Licenses [BPC section 4402(b)]; and Related to Payment of Fees for Reissuance or Renewal of License (BPC section 4403)

To allow for the restoration of a previously retired or canceled pharmacist license, the Board waives the provisions of Business and Professions Code sections 4200.5(d), 4402(b), and 4403 under the following conditions:

  1. At the time of cancellation or transition to a retired status, the license was not subject to any disciplinary conditions or subject to any disciplinary proceeding.
  2. The license has been in such a status no longer than five years.
  3. The individual applies for restoration by completing the required form Application to Restore Your License located on the Board’s website under “COVID-19 Information.”

Upon processing of the application for restoring the license, the individual will receive email notification from the Board.

The Board has issued restored or reactivated pharmacist licenses for a maximum of six months. On September 17, 2020, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) issued a waiver regarding license reactivation or restoration requirements subject to certain conditions. The September 17, 2020, DCA Waiver provides that a reactivated or restored license is valid until January 1, 2021, or when the State of Emergency ceases to exist, whichever is sooner. More recently, the December 15, 2020, DCA Waiver provides that a reactivated or restored license is valid until July 1, 2021, or when the State of Emergency ceases to exist, whichever is soon. To align the validity dates of all restored or reactivated licenses required under pharmacy law with the December 15, 2020, DCA waiver, all restored or reactivated pharmacist licenses under the Board waiver will be valid until July 1, 2021, or until the State of Emergency ceases to exist, whichever is sooner.

Information about DCA waivers can be found at DCA Waivers and Guidance.

Effective: April 3, 2020

Expiration: January 1, 2022, subject to the proviso if the DCA waiver is extended, the Board’s waiver will extend to coincide with the same time limits.